Monday funks
I feel like my Mondays have been pretty tough recently. It’s as if I’m in a bit of funk every Monday (and often other days). There’s a bit of imposter syndrome on these days and my self-esteem feels like a low on Mondays. Even the smallest tasks are much harder on Mondays than they are on other days.
I used to think that the cause of this was that I just had tiring weekends that left me fatigued and out of it on Mondays. There was some of that for sure, but over the last few months, I have really stopped going out much which doesn’t explain the Monday blues still.
As recently as a few months ago, I started to think that it was simply just a bit of burnout. I definitely think there definitely some impact here. I’ve taken some vacations and think I’m really due for a larger vacation that’s not tied to an event like a wedding. Something nice and relaxing maybe what I need.
After thinking about it some more on my lunch walk, I think I’ve decided that a lot of it just has to do with my mental mindset lately. I probably have twice as many negative thoughts on Mondays than I do other days.
Curbing this habit used to be a lot easier when I was going into the office and seeing a bunch of my friends. But with remote work, things are just much lonelier and depressing on Mondays. Combine this with a lot of negative news lately going around in the world and it’s create a perfect storm.
I don’t think there’s a complicated fix here. A lot of it just changing my mindset on Mondays, staying positive, listening to good music, surrounding myself with good people, etc. Most of all - I need to make sure not to be too hard on myself on Mondays. This perpetuates my negative mindset.