My life philosophy
I’ve been thinking about existential shit recently. I’m not sure why, but I’m guessing it’s because I’m getting older and because I want to bring my own kids into this world soon.
I was reading Twitter the other day and some guy was posting about his life philosophy and I realized that I’ve never really thought about mine. Sure, I have some values and whatnot, but I don’t know if I’ve ever truly defined my life philosophy.
So I’ve been thinking about it for a bit and on my walk during lunch, I realized that I probably do have a life philosophy already, I just never wrote it down. So here I am today.
Happiness in life is bringing joy to others
That’s it. I truly believe that my happiness in life stems from bringing joy to others which in turn brings joy to myself.
Having everything with no one to share it with is just the same as having nothing. It’s why sharing an amazing meal with someone is much better than eating by yourself. Having every material good and toy in the world absolutely sucks if you have no one to share it with.
No work is ever worth it if it doesn’t bring joy or happiness to people’s lives. We build startups to solve problems and bring joy to others. This is why I love working at Secfi so much - I get to help solve people’s problems on a day to day basis.
I don’t know how and why humans got here. I do know that I’m going to spend my life trying to make other people happy. That’s a life well lived.