My web3 / NFT update
Since late November, I’ve been deep down the web3 rabbit hole and written about it quite a bit. Lots has happened in the nearly 2 months since I aped into my first web3 project (Knights of Degen). I’ve learned a lot. I’ve made a good amount of money and lost a bit. I’ve made some pretty cool connections and I’ve also been scared shitless at the amount of yolo’ing and scams happening.
Overall, it’s been a rollercoaster ride, but I’ve been having a lot of fun. Here’s a recap of the events of the past 2 months.
I bought a Knight back over Thanksgiving on OpenSea which gave me access to my first project, Knights of Degen. I was promptly overwhelmed and had to learn that you didn’t need to check every Discord channel and keep up.
I got to hang out with a few current and former NFL athletes in the Knights of Degen “sports bar” (Discord channel). It was fun being able to ask Ricky Williams and Tiki Barber questions while watching a Sunday Night game.
I got on my first whitelist for the Illuminati NFT project. I ended up minting 3 NFTs and joined an eclectic but fun “secret” community. The project has been a hit and the pricing of the NFTs keeps going up.
I missed out on 3 killer projects brought to my attention in the Illuminati NFT discord. It ended up being amazing “alpha” as all 3 projects ended up 2-5x’ing since the info was released. I just didn’t have enough time to do my research, and I’m kicking myself for it.
I got on the whitelist for LinksDAO whose goal is to purchase a golf course. I ended up minting a Global pass for myself and the value has nearly doubled since. This has been the intersection of both my current hobbies which is golf and web3. I’ve been having a ton of fun hanging in the Discord and plan on golfing with a few other members soon.
I ended up buying a Cryptojankyz on OpenSea last weekend. It was announced a couple days ago that there was going to be an airdrop which will allow me to mint a new NFT. I have no idea where this will go, but I can’t wait.
I’ve lost a ton of money in gas and taxes with these transactions. I’ve largely use my highly appreciated ETH to pay a lot of these transactions and that comes with a nice tax bill. Furthermore, I’ve had to learn the hard way when it comes to gas.
I’ll look to write about some of my findings and takeaways later this week.