As I’ve gotten older, my time has become more and more of a premium. I feel like my weeks and weekends are getting busier by the year. My weekdays are getting more planned and structured due to work. My weekends are now also starting to become much more planned.
This past 3 day weekend felt like it went by a bit too quick. I had too many things planned from events to work that I wanted to catch-up on. As I write this, I’ve realized that I’ve only done a portion of my weekend to-do list. It’s not a great feeling.
It’s been a bit of a harsh reality that things will not get easier as I continue to get more responsibilities in life. I’ll need to adapt and adjust. Part of this is lowering my expectations on weekends. I simply just cannot expect myself to recharge over the weekends and be as productive as I want to be and that’s something I need to be okay with.
Secondly, I need to pick my battles when it comes to events. There’s just not enough time to say yes to everything anymore. There’s a balance with sleep/rest, social, and productivity. I need to cut down a bit more on the social and productivity aspect and focus a bit more on the sleep/rest side of things.
My hunch is that cutting back on the social and focusing on sleep/rest will naturally increase my productivity on the weekends and afterwards.