The new work / life balance

It’s been relatively smooth sailing with Colin one week in. We’re sleeping a lot less, but both Sophia and I are still optimistic and handling it fairly well. He has a witching hour between 3 and 5am almost everyday, but he’s also been able to sleep for 3 hour stretches with no problems often which goes a long way in getting some sleep. The difference between 1-2 hours and 4-5 hours of sleep a day is a world of a difference and we feel lucky to be in the latter.

Unfortunately, I had my first dose of new reality when it comes to work / life balance today. A new deal came across our desk today and despite being technically off, I had to pick it up as there was no one else. On top of that, a meeting I agreed to attend tomorrow was completely shaken up due to travel issues and I’m trying to figure out how to make it work with Colin’s schedule.

This is normally not a big deal and even if I was off, it wouldn’t have been a big deal. But of course this is on top of taking care of Colin and cooking dinner while Sophia gets rest. She had to sacrifice a bit of her time so I could accommodate my work, but a routine few hours became incredibly hectic now with a child.

I know I need to get used to this and this will become the norm. I’m going to have to just simply embrace the chaos.